Studying in the Netherlands? A Guide for Canadian Students

Studying in the Netherlands? A Guide for Canadian Students
Studying in the Netherlands
Last Updated: 09 May 2024


Heading to the Netherlands for your studies? Get ready to be swept up in a whirlwind of historic cities, cutting-edge innovation, and some of the friendliest bike paths you'll ever pedal on. Dutch universities are where tradition meets modernity, and you're just as likely to explore a 17th-century building as you are to delve into groundbreaking research.

And let's not forget about the charm of canal-side cafes for those essential study breaks. But before you get lost in the dream, there's a practical side we need to chat about—managing your finances abroad, particularly those tricky international payments. Don't sweat it, though! We're here to guide you through, ensuring your focus stays on acing those exams and soaking up all the gezelligheid (coziness) the Netherlands has to offer.

Why study in the Netherlands as a Canadian student?

Choosing the Netherlands for your studies isn't just about gaining a top-notch education; it's about embracing a lifestyle that values innovation, diversity, and sustainability. It's an experience that prepares you not just for a career but for a globally conscious and fulfilling life.

Pioneering education: Dutch universities are acclaimed for their forward-thinking approach, blending traditional knowledge with cutting-edge research. They're places where questioning the status quo and pushing boundaries are part of the daily routine, perfectly aligning with those eager to make a real-world impact.

A global classroom: With a substantial number of courses offered in English, the Netherlands stands out as a non-native English-speaking country that effortlessly attracts a diverse international student body. This melting pot of cultures makes for a dynamic and enriching learning environment where perspectives from across the globe converge.

Innovative and practical learning: The Dutch educational system is renowned for its emphasis on practical experiences and real-world applications. Internships and hands-on projects are often integral components of your study program, ensuring that you graduate with knowledge, valuable skills, and experiences.

Sustainability at its heart: If you're passionate about sustainability, the Netherlands is the place to be. From urban planning to environmental policies, Dutch innovation in sustainability is evident in every corner, offering a living laboratory for those keen to learn about and contribute to a greener future.

Unbeatable quality of life: The Dutch lifestyle is all about balance and well-being, reflected in the country's efficient public transport, extensive cycling paths, and the ubiquitous cozy cafés. The Netherlands consistently ranks high in global quality of life indexes, promising a study abroad experience that's as enjoyable as it is educational.

Gateway to Europe: Studying in the Netherlands also means you're just a short trip away from many other European destinations. Its central location offers endless opportunities for weekend getaways, broadening your cultural horizons beyond the classroom.

Cost of living for Canadians studying in the Netherlands

Navigating the cost of living in the Netherlands as a student involves balancing budgeting savvy with the full embrace of Dutch life. While the Netherlands offers an enriching study and cultural experience, it's also known for its relatively high living expenses compared to other countries. But fear not! With smart financial planning, the Dutch lifestyle can be both enjoyable and affordable.

Accommodation typically takes the largest slice of the budget pie, with options ranging from university dorms to shared apartments in the city. While student housing is more budget-friendly, exploring the private rental market can also offer some gems, especially if you're keen on living with flat-mates. Groceries and dining out will form another significant part of your expenses. Embracing the Dutch way of life means cycling is not just a mode of transport but a way of life, offering a cost-effective and quintessentially Dutch alternative to public transport, which is also efficient and student-friendly with various discount schemes.

Beyond the basics, setting aside funds for leisure and travel allows you to truly soak in the Dutch experience—from tulip season and canal boat tours to exploring the country's rich art and history. The Netherlands' central location in Europe also makes it an ideal base for budget-friendly weekend getaways to neighbouring countries. In essence, while the cost of living might require some initial adjustment, the Netherlands offers a quality of life and educational experience that's truly unparalleled, making every Euro spent an investment in a memorable and transformative experience. 

How can I apply to a university in the Netherlands?

By following these steps and ensuring you meet all the requirements and deadlines, you'll be well on your way to starting your educational journey in the Netherlands.

Research and choose your program: Identify the courses and universities that align with your academic interests and career goals. The Netherlands offers a diverse range of programs in English across various disciplines, from liberal arts and sciences to engineering and business. 

Check admission requirements: Each program has its own set of admission requirements. Common requirements include your high school diploma, language proficiency (TOEFL/IELTS scores for English-taught programs), and sometimes specific coursework or grades. Some programs also require entrance exams or a portfolio.

Prepare our application: Gather all necessary documents, which typically include your academic transcripts, proof of language proficiency, letters of recommendation, a CV, and a personal statement. Ensure that all documents are translated into English or Dutch, as required.

Apply through studielink: The Netherlands has a centralized application portal called Studielink. You'll need to create an account on Studielink, where you can submit your application to the universities of your choice. For some universities or programs, you might also need to complete an additional application directly on the university's website.

Submit your application: Double-check that all required documents are submitted before the application deadline. Deadlines can vary depending on the university and whether you’re applying for the fall or spring semester.

Wait for admission decision: After submitting your application, there will be a waiting period during which the university assesses your application. Use this time to explore scholarship opportunities or start planning for your move.

Apply for a residence permit: Once accepted, Canadian students need to apply for a visa or residence permit to study in the Netherlands. You'll need your acceptance letter, proof of sufficient funds, and health insurance, among other documents.

Prepare for your arrival: Start arranging accommodation, setting up a Dutch bank account, and familiarizing yourself with Dutch culture and language. Many universities offer orientation programs to help international students settle in. 

Best places to study in the Netherlands for Canadians 

Each of these cities not only provides top-notch educational opportunities but also enriches your study abroad experience with its unique Dutch charm, cultural heritage, and welcoming student communities. Whether you're drawn to the bustling streets of Amsterdam, the innovative spirit of Delft, or the historic allure of Leiden, the Netherlands offers a perfect backdrop for Canadian students to grow academically and personally.


The iconic capital, known for its picturesque canals and historic architecture, is also a hub for international business and creative studies. Universities like the University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam offers a wide array of English-taught programs amidst a cosmopolitan and bustling city life.


With its charming canals and vibrant cultural scene, Utrecht is home to one of the Netherlands' largest universities, Utrecht University. It's a city that perfectly balances historical ambiance with modern innovation, making it an attractive spot for students from various disciplines.


Leiden, known as the city of discoveries, is rich in history and culture. Leiden University, the country’s oldest university, is renowned for its humanities, law, and life sciences programs. The city's intimate yet lively student community makes it a great place to study and network.


For those interested in engineering and technology, Delft is the go-to city, hosting the prestigious Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). This city not only offers cutting-edge academic programs but also provides a quaint, student-friendly environment.


Dynamic and modern, Rotterdam stands out with its futuristic architecture and international port. Erasmus University Rotterdam is well-regarded, especially for its business and management programs. The city's diversity and vibrant student life offer a stimulating environment for personal and academic growth.


Groningen is truly a student city, with a significant portion of its population made up of students. The University of Groningen offers a broad spectrum of programs and boasts a lively, youthful atmosphere that makes it easy to fit in and make lasting connections.

Top Dutch universities for Canadian students

The following universities in the Netherlands provide high-quality education and foster an inclusive and dynamic environment for international students, making them ideal choices for Canadians seeking an enriching study experience in the Netherlands. 

University of Amsterdam (UvA): Located in the heart of the vibrant capital, UvA is known for its wide range of programs in social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences, and its strong commitment to international research.

Leiden University: As the oldest university in the Netherlands, Leiden boasts a rich academic heritage, particularly strong in law, arts, and sciences, and offers a highly international environment.

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft): Renowned for its engineering and technology programs, TU Delft is one of the world's leading technical universities, offering cutting-edge research facilities and innovative projects.

Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR): Particularly known for its business and economics programs, EUR also excels in health sciences and is distinguished by its high level of internationalization and practical approach to learning.

Utrecht University: With a strong focus on sustainability and innovation, Utrecht University offers a broad spectrum of programs and is known for its research in life sciences, humanities, and social sciences.

University of Groningen: With a diverse range of programs and a strong focus on research, the University of Groningen is known for its vibrant student life and contribution to international research communities.

Wageningen University & Research (WUR): Specialized in life and agricultural sciences, environmental science, and sustainable development, WUR is globally recognized for its approach to addressing some of the world's most pressing issues.

International tuition payment challenges for Canadian students

For Canadian students in the Netherlands, navigating tuition payments involves dealing with the Euro and the complexities of cross-border transactions. The fluctuating exchange rate between the Canadian dollar and the Euro can significantly impact budgeting for tuition and living expenses. Moreover, traditional bank transfers, often subject to high fees and lengthy processing times, can make financial planning challenging. Additionally, understanding the Dutch banking system and regulations around international payments is crucial to ensure smooth and compliant transactions.

Why MTFX is a better choice than your bank for international payments?

Choosing MTFX over traditional banks for tuition payments in the Netherlands can be a game-changer for Canadian students. With MTFX, you benefit from more favorable exchange rates between the Canadian dollar and the Euro, ensuring that your money goes further. The platform offers lower transaction fees compared to banks, and the streamlined process significantly reduces the waiting time for funds to clear. This efficiency is crucial for meeting tuition deadlines and managing living expenses effectively. Additionally, MTFX's user-friendly interface and expert support simplify navigating Dutch banking regulations, making international payments less daunting.

Studying in the Netherlands

Simplify international tuition payments with MTFX

For Canadian students embarking on their academic journey in the vibrant and innovative Netherlands, simplifying tuition payments is key to a stress-free experience. With MTFX, you can navigate the financial aspects of your studies with ease. Enjoy competitive exchange rates, minimal transaction fees, and swift processing times, ensuring your focus remains on absorbing the rich Dutch culture and excelling in your studies. Let MTFX handle the complexities of international payments, so you can immerse yourself fully in the educational opportunities the Netherlands has to offer.

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