Studying in Japan? A Guide for Canadian Students

Studying in Japan? A Guide for Canadian Students
Studying in Japan? A Guide for Canadian Students
Last Updated: 06 Jun 2024

Kon'nichiwa from Japan, where ancient temples stand alongside neon-lit skyscrapers and cherry blossoms, frame the bustling streets. Pursuing your studies here offers a unique blend of rich cultural heritage and technological innovation. Whether you're unwinding in a peaceful Zen garden after class or diving into cutting-edge research, Japan promises an unparalleled educational journey. But as you gear up for this adventure, there's one thing you'll need to tackle that's a tad less exhilarating—your finances, particularly regarding those international tuition payments. It might seem daunting to navigate this as you adjust to a new culture and academic environment. But don't let it dampen your spirits! We're here with all the info you need to handle your finances like a pro, ensuring your focus remains on making the most of your incredible experience in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Why study in Japan as a Canadian?

Studying in Japan is more than an academic pursuit; it's an opportunity to immerse yourself in a society that harmonizes tradition with modernity, offering a unique perspective on innovation, culture, and education. It's an experience that prepares you to navigate the complexities of a rapidly evolving world, armed with knowledge, understanding, and respect for diversity.

Technological innovation: Japan is a global leader in technology and innovation, making it an ideal study destination for those interested in engineering, robotics, electronics, and information technology. The country's universities and research institutions are at the forefront of scientific research and technological development.

Rich cultural heritage: Beyond technology, Japan offers a deep dive into a culture steeped in history and tradition. From tea ceremonies to calligraphy and martial arts to flower arranging, studying in Japan immerses you in practices and philosophies that have shaped Japanese society for centuries.

Quality education system: Japanese universities are known for their high academic standards, rigorous research programs, and innovative teaching methodologies. This commitment to quality education is reflected in the global rankings, with several Japanese institutions consistently ranking among the best in the world.

Language and career opportunities: Learning Japanese opens up numerous career opportunities, particularly with multinational corporations and within Japan's thriving economy. Proficiency in Japanese, coupled with an understanding of Japanese business etiquette and culture, is highly valued in the global job market.

Safe and welcoming environment: Japan is renowned for its safety, cleanliness, and public order, offering a secure and comfortable living environment for international students. The Japanese are known for their hospitality and respect towards foreigners, making it easier for students to adjust to life in Japan.

A unique blend of urban and natural beauty: From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the serene landscapes of Kyoto, Japan offers a diverse range of environments to explore. The country's stunning natural scenery, including mountains, forests, and coastlines, provides a peaceful retreat from the urban excitement.

Culinary adventure: Japanese cuisine, known for its exquisite taste and presentation, offers a culinary adventure for food enthusiasts. Studying in Japan allows you to experience the country's rich food culture, from sushi and ramen to matcha and mochi.

Cost of living in Japan for Canadian students

The cost of living in Japan can vary widely depending on your lifestyle choices and the city you call home. Tokyo, one of the world's major metropolises, tends to be on the higher end. At the same time, cities like Kyoto, Osaka, and Fukuoka offer a somewhat more affordable cost of living without compromising the rich cultural experience.

Housing is often the most significant expense for students in Japan. Many choose university dormitories or "Gaijin houses" (foreigner-friendly shared housing) as cost-effective solutions. These options ease the financial burden and provide a great way to meet fellow students and expats. Regarding food, Japan's cuisine is as diverse as it is delicious. Eating out can be surprisingly affordable, especially if you indulge in local favourites like ramen, curry, and conveyor belt sushi. Groceries can be a bit pricey, but regional markets and discount stores offer budget-friendly options for those who prefer to cook at home.

Transportation in Japan is known for its efficiency and punctuality, with various passes available to reduce the cost of regular travel. Many students find cycling a convenient and economical way to get around, particularly in more compact cities. Additionally, it's wise to budget for health insurance, which is mandatory for all residents, including students.

Despite these expenses, studying in Japan offers unparalleled value when you consider the quality of education, the opportunity to immerse yourself in a unique culture, and the personal growth that comes from living abroad. With careful budgeting and a willingness to adapt to local customs, the cost of living in Japan can be managed, allowing you to fully embrace and enjoy your Japanese adventure.

How can I apply for university in Japan?

Applying to Japanese universities requires careful planning and attention to detail. However, the effort is well worth it, as studying in Japan offers an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in a country known for its rich history, technological advancements, and warm hospitality.

Research and select universities and programs: Begin by exploring Japan's various universities and programs. Consider factors like the field of study, location, campus culture, and whether programs are offered in English or require proficiency in Japanese.

Understand the admission requirements: Each university and program will have its own requirements. Typically, these include your high school diploma, academic transcripts, proof of language proficiency (Japanese Language Proficiency Test JLPT for Japanese-taught programs or TOEFL/IELTS for English-taught programs), and sometimes entrance examinations specific to the university.

Prepare your application documents: Commonly required documents include a completed application form, academic transcripts, a passport-sized photo, a copy of your passport, and a statement of purpose. Some programs may also require letters of recommendation, a portfolio (for art and design courses), or health certificates.

Submit your application: The application process may vary between institutions. Some universities allow online applications, while others require mailing your application package. Pay close attention to the application deadlines, which can differ significantly from those in Canada.

Sit for entrance examinations if required: Many Japanese universities require international students to take entrance examinations, which may include written tests, interviews, and practical exams, depending on the program.

Secure your student visa: Once accepted, you must apply for a student visa at the nearest Japanese embassy or consulate in Canada. This will involve submitting your university acceptance letter, proof of financial capability to cover your tuition and living expenses and other necessary documentation.

Finalize your preparations: With your visa secured, you can finalize your accommodation arrangements, look into health insurance options, and, if needed, enroll in a pre-departure language course to brush up on your Japanese skills.

Best places to study in Japan for Canadian students

For Canadian students looking to immerse themselves in a blend of ancient tradition and cutting-edge innovation, Japan offers several cities that stand out as prime destinations for education and cultural enrichment:


As one of the world's most dynamic capitals, Tokyo is a metropolis of contrast, blending towering skyscrapers with tranquil temples. Home to prestigious institutions like the University of Tokyo and Waseda University, it's an ideal setting for students seeking top-tier academic programs amidst the hustle and bustle of city life.


Known as the cultural heart of Japan, Kyoto offers a serene and profoundly historical setting for study. With universities such as Kyoto University, one of Asia's leading research institutions, students can delve into their studies surrounded by temples, traditional tea houses, and stunning seasonal changes.


Osaka, famous for its outgoing people and delicious street food, is also a hub for commerce and innovation. Universities like Osaka University provide a wide range of programs, particularly strong in science and engineering, set in a lively urban environment that's a bit more laid-back than Tokyo.


Steeped in history, Hiroshima is a city of peace and resilience. Hiroshima University is renowned for its dedication to peace studies and international relations, offering students a unique perspective on global issues amidst a city known for its beautiful gardens and historical significance.


Sapporo on the northern island of Hokkaido is a perfect match for those who love nature and winter sports. Hokkaido University is one of Japan's top universities, offering strong programs in various disciplines, set in a city famous for its snow festival and stunning natural landscapes.

Top Japanese universities for Canadian students

Japan offers a unique blend of tradition and innovation, making it an attractive destination for Canadian students. Here are some top Japanese universities known for their academic excellence, cutting-edge research, and global perspective:

The University of Tokyo (Todai): As Japan's most prestigious university, Todai is renowned for its comprehensive range of disciplines, cutting-edge research, and strong international connections, offering a vibrant environment for higher learning.

Kyoto University: Known for fostering a creative and independent research environment, Kyoto University is one of Asia's leading research institutions, particularly strong in the natural sciences and humanities.

Osaka University: With a focus on innovation and interdisciplinary research, Osaka University excels in science, technology, medicine, and the humanities, providing a dynamic academic setting.

Tohoku University: Recognized for its open and progressive research culture, Tohoku University is a leader in engineering, materials science, and disaster science, offering robust programs and research opportunities.

Nagoya University: Nagoya University is known for its research contributions, particularly in physics and chemistry, fostering an environment of intellectual growth and innovation.

Waseda University: As one of Japan's top private universities, Waseda University offers a broad array of programs, particularly noted for its business, political science, and international relations programs, with a strong focus on global education.

Keio University: Keio, another leading private institution, is renowned for its programs in business, economics, law, and medicine, offering a comprehensive education with a global perspective.

International tuition payment challenges for Canadian students

For Canadian students in Japan, managing tuition payments involves not just dealing with the exchange rate between the Canadian dollar and the Japanese Yen but also navigating Japan's distinct banking system. High fees for international transfers and potential delays can pose significant challenges, especially when adhering to strict payment deadlines set by educational institutions. Additionally, understanding and complying with Japanese regulations regarding international payments is crucial to ensure a smooth financial experience while studying abroad.

Why is MTFX a better choice than your bank for international payments?

For Canadian students navigating the financial landscape in Japan, MTFX presents a compelling solution for tuition payments and other international transactions. The favourable exchange rates from CAD to JPY MTFX can lead to significant savings over time. With lower transaction fees and faster processing times, MTFX ensures students can meet their financial obligations efficiently. Furthermore, MTFX's platform is designed for ease of use, and its customer support is equipped to assist with the specific requirements of the Japanese banking system, offering a seamless payment experience for students abroad.


Studying in Japan? A Guide for Canadian Students

Simplify your tuition payments with MTFX

Step into Japan's unique blend of tradition and cutting-edge innovation with the confidence that your tuition payments are simplified with MTFX. Canadian students can enjoy peace of mind from efficient, cost-effective payment solutions, leaving more room to explore Japan's rich cultural heritage and technological marvels. With MTFX, you're assured of competitive exchange rates, minimal fees, and quick processing, ensuring your financial obligations are met promptly. Embrace Japan's vibrant life and rigorous academics with MTFX as your trusted partner in managing your international payments.

Create an account with MTFX today and start saving up to thousands of dollars on your tuition and other expenses.

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