Studying in Germany? A Guide for Canadian Students

Studying in Germany? A Guide for Canadian Students
Studying in Germany? A Guide for Canadian Students
Last Updated: 20 Apr 2024


Setting out on a journey to study abroad is an exciting and life-changing decision for many Canadian students. While countries like the United States have long been popular destinations, an increasing number of Canadian students are setting their sights on Germany as their study-abroad choice. 

With its renowned universities, excellent educational system, and vibrant cultural scene, Germany offers a wealth of opportunities for Canadian students seeking a unique and enriching academic experience. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore essential details and offer valuable insights for Canadian students contemplating studying in Germany.

Why should Canadian students study in Germany

Germany has become a leading destination for students worldwide, and Canadian students have numerous reasons to be drawn to this remarkable country. Here are some factors that make Germany an attractive choice for pursuing higher education;

Renowned universities and a high-quality education system

Germany boasts a long-standing reputation for excellence in higher education. Its universities are consistently ranked among the top in the world, offering a wide range of programs across various disciplines. Whether you aspire to study engineering, medicine, business, or the humanities, you can find exceptional educational opportunities tailored to your interests and career goals.

Affordable education opportunities

One of the major attractions for Canadian students considering Germany is the affordability of education. Unlike many countries, Germany offers tuition-free or low-cost education at public universities for both domestic and international students. This makes studying in Germany an affordable option for those seeking high-quality education without the burden of excessive tuition fees.

Strong focus on research and innovation

Germany has a rich tradition of scientific research and innovation. The country is home to numerous research institutions and universities that foster a culture of inquiry and discovery. As a student in Germany, you will have access to state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge research opportunities, and collaborations with renowned scholars, enabling you to broaden your intellectual horizons and contribute to advancements in your field.

Cultural richness and vibrant student life

Immersing yourself in German culture and society is integral to the study abroad experience. Germany offers a dynamic and diverse cultural landscape, from historic landmarks and museums to thriving arts scenes and vibrant festivals. As a student, you can explore this rich cultural tapestry, learn the German language, and engage in exciting extracurricular activities. The country's central location in Europe also provides easy access to travel and explore neighboring countries, further enhancing your cultural experiences.

Cost of living in Germany as a Canadian student 

When planning to study in Germany, it's important to have a clear understanding of the cost of living. In addition to minimal or non-existent tuition fees, you'll need to budget for accommodation, transportation, food, health insurance, and daily expenses. The cost of living can vary depending on your chosen city or region. Major cities like Berlin, Munich, or Frankfurt generally have higher living costs compared to smaller towns or rural areas. Sharing accommodation with fellow students can help reduce expenses, and Germany's efficient public transportation system offers affordable options for getting around. It's also worth noting that healthcare is mandatory for all residents, including international students, and you can choose between public or private health insurance options. By considering these factors and planning your budget accordingly, you can have a better idea of the cost of living during your studies in Germany.

How do Canadian students apply to a university in Germany 

Before commencing your journey to study in Germany, it is important to familiarize yourself with the application process. Here are the key steps to guide you through;

Research universities and programs: Start by researching universities and study programs that align with your interests and goals. German universities offer a wide range of programs taught in both German and English, so consider the language requirements for your chosen program.

Language proficiency: Many universities require proof of language proficiency. While some programs are offered entirely in English, others may have German language requirements. Prepare for language proficiency tests such as TestDaF or DSH in advance.

Document submission: Once you have identified your preferred universities and programs, submit the required documents. These typically include academic transcripts, a resume, letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, and a valid passport. Pay close attention to application deadlines, as they may vary.

Student visa: Canadian students must obtain a student visa before traveling to Germany. Start the visa application process early, as it involves providing proof of acceptance from a German university, proof of financial resources, and proof of health insurance coverage.

By carefully following the application process and staying organized, you can ensure a smooth and successful application experience.

Best places to study in Germany as a Canadian student

When considering the top universities in Germany, there are numerous excellent study destinations to choose from. Each city has its own unique charm, academic strengths, and lifestyle, making it important to consider your personal preferences and academic interests. Here are some of the best places to consider;

Berlin: As the capital and cultural hub of Germany, Berlin is known for its vibrant arts scene, diverse population, and renowned universities. It offers a thriving academic environment and numerous opportunities for cultural exploration. The Humboldt University of Berlin, Technical University of Berlin, and Free University of Berlin are among its prestigious institutions.

Munich: Located in southern Germany, Munich is known for its high standard of living, picturesque surroundings, and world-class universities. It has a strong focus on technology and innovation, making it an ideal destination for students in STEM fields. The Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and the Technical University of Munich are among its prominent institutions.

Heidelberg: With its historic charm and prestigious Heidelberg University, this city offers a unique study experience. Heidelberg is famous for its picturesque old town, beautiful landscapes, and strong academic reputation. Heidelberg University is renowned as one of the top universities in Heidelberg. 

Hamburg: Situated on the Elbe River, Hamburg is a major port city with a rich maritime history and a thriving arts and music scene. It hosts several well-regarded universities, including the University of Hamburg and Hamburg University of Technology, offering a dynamic and cosmopolitan environment.

Cologne: Famous for its stunning cathedral and vibrant carnival celebrations, Cologne is a lively city with a rich history and a range of renowned universities. It offers a vibrant cultural scene and a welcoming atmosphere for international students. The University of Cologne and Cologne University of Applied Sciences are among its notable institutions.

Top educational institutes in Germany

Following are the top educational institutes in Germany; 

  • University of Munich
  • Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg
  • Humboldt University of Berlin
  • Technical University of Munich
  • Free University of Berlin
  • University of Bonn
  • University of Hamburg
  • University of Gottingen
  • University of Freiburg
  • Eberhard Karls University of Tubingen

Choosing the right payment method: Banks vs MTFX

When it comes to paying for German tuition, you have two main options: using a bank or a currency exchange provider. Let's explore these options;


Banks are a conventional choice for international payments, enabling you to transfer funds from your Canadian bank account to a German educational institution. However, they often impose excessive exchange rates and higher fees, potentially leading to additional costs for your tuition payment.

Currency exchange providers

Currency exchange providers such as MTFX provide a more cost-effective solution for paying German tuition. Offering competitive exchange rates and reduced fees, they enable you to save money while ensuring faster transfers and dedicated customer support at every step. Opting for a reliable currency exchange provider can simplify and enhance your tuition payment experience. 


Studying in Germany? A Guide for Canadian Students


Simplifying financial solutions for Canadian students studying overseas

When it comes to financing your education and expenses while studying abroad, Canadian students have several options to consider. One such option is MTFX, a trusted currency exchange provider that can assist you in managing your international financial transactions efficiently and cost-effectively. Here's how MTFX can assist Canadian students;

Competitive exchange rates: MTFX offers competitive currency exchange rates, ensuring that students get the most value for their money when converting Canadian dollars to the currency of their destination country.

Low transfer fees: MTFX provides low transfer fees, helping students save on transaction costs when sending money abroad for tuition fees, accommodation, or other expenses.

Fast and secure transfers: MTFX ensures quick and secure international transfers, allowing students to efficiently manage their financial transactions without delays or complications.

Personalized service: MTFX offers personalized customer service, providing guidance and support throughout the payment process. Their dedicated team is available to answer any questions and assist with currency-related inquiries.

Online platform: MTFX's user-friendly online platform allows students to conveniently manage their international payments from anywhere, at any time. MTFX tracks transfers, access transaction history, and make payments with ease.

By partnering with MTFX, Canadian students can benefit from their expertise in international payments, ensuring a seamless and efficient financial experience while pursuing their education abroad.

TIP: Use the currency converter to check the CAD/EUR exchange rate before initiating each transfer.

Open an account today and enjoy competitive exchange rates, low transfer fees, and quick, easy international money transfer.


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