Currency Converter

to Conversion

Check and compare foreign exchange rates for the most popular currency pairs here before you initiate your money transfer.

to conversion — Last updated July 27, 2024 1:09 AM

July 27, 2024 1:09 AMRefresh

to conversion — Last updated July 27, 2024 1:09 AM

Use MTFX's live currency rate calculator to convert the top global foreign exchange currencies to get real-time rates.

Why choose MTFX?

Historical Rates

Historical Rates

 MTFX offers you historical currency fluctuation rates.

Live Exchange Rates

Live Exchange Rates

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Convert your money

Convert your money

Accept payments anywhere from the globe and convert them into 25+ other currencies.

Market Orders

Market Orders

Despite price fluctuations, achieve your target rates.

Receive Payments

Receive Payments

Get paid with your own payment information in 5+ different currencies. You can also convert your money.

Business Solutions

Business Solutions

You can effortlessly manage your payments and successfully grow your business internationally.


Who can use the MTFX payment service?
Why should I use MTFX and not my own bank?
How do customers send funds to MTFX?
How long does it take MTFX to transfer funds?

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