Currency Charts


July 27, 2024 7:13 AMRefresh

Check out our latest currency charts so you can keep a pulse on the market. Our live foreign exchange chart allows you to see trends on the top currency pairs in real-time.

Why choose MTFX?

Rate Alert

Rate Alert

MTFX offers you to track your money transfer and get alerts together with flexible payment and delivery choices.

Historical Rates

Historical Rates

MTFX offers you historical currency fluctuation rates.

Convert your money

Convert your money

Accept payments anywhere from the globe and convert them into 25+ other currencies.

Multi-Currency Accounts

Multi-Currency Accounts

Reduce your business's exposure and improve your cash flow.

Receive Payments

Receive Payments

Get paid with your own payment information in 5+ different currencies. You can also convert your money.

Market Orders

Market Orders

Despite price fluctuations, achieve your target rates.


Who can use the MTFX payment service?
Why should I use MTFX and not my own bank?
How do customers send funds to MTFX?
How long does it take MTFX to transfer funds?

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